Gipfelkreuz auf dem Hirschberg am Tegernsee

Hiking the Hirschberg

You wouldn’t exactly call the Hirschberg (1668 m) an insider tip. But no matter: the Hirschberg at Tegernsee boasts fast and easy access from Munich and fabulous refreshments at the Hirschberghaus just below the summit. The ascent is tough, but the view from the summit cross is phenomenal in all directions.

Details & Directions

Parking & Start Point: Hirschberg Lift Car Park
Distance:13 km
Duration:5 hours
Elevation:890 m
Circular Route:Yes
Public Transport:BRB train to Tegernsee, onwards with the RVO bus to Scharling Grundnerweg
Webcam:Webcam Tegernsee

Route to Hirschberg

Hirschberg Lift Car Park – Gründhütte (1:00h) – Rauheckalm (1:45h) – Hirschberg (2:30h) – Kratzer (3:00h) – Hirschberghaus (3:15h) – Hirschberg Lift Car Park (5:00h)


The hike up the Hirschberg starts in Kreuth/Scharling at the Hirschberg lift car park. Be prepared to to turn a blind eye on the first section of the tour: the first 45 minutes are steep and not well signposted, running uphill along the ski slope. Only after this sweaty section does the character of the hike change for the better.

The Rauheckalm on the way to Hirschberg

From the Gründhütte, the hiking trail narrows and meanders for 2 hours, moderately uphill, through a shady forest to the Rauheckalm. Look out for a fork in the road shortly thereafter and follow the signs towards Hirschberg.

Hirschberg Summit

Hirschberg Gipfelkreuz
Hirschberg summit cross with Lake Tegernsee in the background

The well-developed hiking trail leads directly to the summit, without any climbing required. You’re unlikely to have the summit for yourself on arrival, but since it is a very large summit in terms of area, that shouldn’t matter too much.

Descent via Kratzer and Hirschberghaus

Leaving the summit you’ll head downhill for a short time on the ascent path, along the fork in the road in a northerly direction to the Kratzer and the Hirschberghaus. The Kratzer is a 1540 meter high secondary summit right next to the Hirschberghaus.

Der Kratzer am Hirschberg
Kratzer summit with views over Lake Tegernsee

Most hikers make the detour to the small but worthwhile summit after climbing the Hirschberg and before stopping at the Hirschberghaus.

The way back to the Hirschberg lift hikers’ car park follows the summer path, which leads downhill to the north of the Hirschberghaus. After about 1.5 hours hiking along forest trails, you’ll reach the village of Kreuth/Scharling. From there it’s only a few meters back to the starting point.

The Hirschberghaus

The working mountain hut is about a kilometer from the Hirschberg summit and boasts a large terrace with stunning views. The menu at the Hirschberghaus includes snacks, Bavarian classics, smaller dishes, soups and a variety of cakes. The Hirschberghaus is open all year round and is a popular destination for hiking in summer as well as for snowshoe tours and ski tours in winter.

Hirschberghaus in spring

Hiking the Hirschberg in winter

The hike up the Hirschberg is a popular tour all year round. With fresh snow on the ground, you’ll need spikes at the latest from the Kratzer onwards. The Hirschberghaus is open all year round and is a popular starting point for winter hikers. The descent from the Hirschberghaus via the northern slope towards Scharling is only recommended for experienced winter hikers, as the path is very steep and avalanches are a regular occurrence. Signs at the Hirschberghaus provide more information.

Der Aufstieg zum Hirschberg im Winter
Approaching the Hirschberg summit in winter


The Hirschberg is one of the most popular hikes in the mountains near Munich. You can expect the tour to be heavily frequented during the summer months. The Hirschberg hike in spring is a great choice for building fitness for more demanding tours in the area such as the Tegernseer Hütte or the Schildenstein. In March and April you should still expect snow along the hiking trail, so be sure to bring the appropriate equipment.